Information for Residents
Old and New
Below you should find all the information you need about access to the garden and other useful information.
Each household may apply for one programmed key card to access the garden. To receive a card, you must provide proof of address and pay a £50 deposit. This deposit is refundable when you move out of the square and return the card. If the card is not returned, the deposit will be forfeited.
The new Garden Clerk has been working on updating the card system and has deactivated all unregistered cards. If your card has stopped working, it may not have been properly registered by the previous clerk. Please inform the new Garden Clerk, and a replacement card will be issued.
To request a card or arrange for a replacement, please contact the Garden Clerk.
There is a charge for replacing lost cards.
By using your card, you agree to follow the garden rules and accept liability for the use of the playground and other amenities.
Annual Garden Rate
The Garden Square was established through an Act of Parliament in 1801.
The Act requires every household in the Square to contribute to the upkeep of the Garden by paying an annual charge. This is called the Annual Garden Rate. The charge is not an access charge, all residents, regardless of whether they have a Garden Key, are required to pay the charge for the upkeep of the garden. The charge to each property is determined by its size and value.
Any changes to the rate are discussed and agreed at the Trust's AGM.
Rubbish Collection
Household rubbish is collected on Tuesdays and Fridays each week, it needs to be put out on the pavement by 9am. Please do not put it out over night as it attracts foxes who drag the rubbish into the garden.
Items for recycling – paper, bottles, cans, plastic – need to be put out before 7.30 am on Fridays only, in the clear bags provided free by Westminster Council.
If you see rubbish dumped on the street at any other time, please call Westminster Council’s Rubbish Hotline 0207 641 2000.
If you walk a dog – please be mindful of other residents and pick up after your dog.
There is a recycling center at the corner of George Street and Montagu Street. Rubbish can be left here at any time.